Etisalat Mobile Configuring the correct APN settings 2024

What is the APN Settings

 APN stands for Access Point Name, and it is a configuration on your mobile device that allows it to connect to the internet via your mobile network provider. To ensure a consistent and secure internet connection, configure the necessary APN settings.Etisalat APN Settings - Step by Step Configuration

  1. Go to your device's settings menu.
  2. Select "Mobile Networks" or "Connections.".
  3. Tap on "Access Point Names" or "APN.".
  4. To create a new APN, click the "+" or "Add" buttons.
  5. Save the changes and ensure the new APN is selected.
  6. Restart your device to apply the changes.
  7. You should now be able to access the internet using the Etisalat APN.

Name Etisalat APN
APN etisalat
Proxy Not set or empty
Port Not set or empty
Username Not set or empty
Password Not set or empty
Server Not set or empty
MMS Proxy
MMS port 8080
MCC 621
MNC 50
Authentication type Not set or empty
APN type default, supl, MMS
APN protocol IPv4
APN roaming protocol IPv4

Configuring the right APN settings on your device is critical to maintaining a consistent and secure internet connection via your mobile network provider. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily set up the Etisalat APN on your device and enjoy seamless connectivity.

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